The dark and complex life of ‘Blade Runner’ Oscar Pistorius emerged yesterday as he was charged with the Valentine’s Day murder of his model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, a 30-year-old law graduate, at his luxury home.
Miss Steenkamp, who had been dating the athlete for three months, was shot four times – in the head and hand – early yesterday at his home in a gated community on the outskirts of Pretoria.
But police say her death is being treated as murder, as neighbours had earlier heard ‘screaming and shouting’ adding that officers had been sent to previous incidents of a 'domestic nature' at his address on the exclusive Silver Woods gated estate.
Detectives are said to be investigating Pistorius’s links with other women to see whether they have any bearing on the murder of one of South Africa’s premier models, who for two years had been voted among the world’s 100 Sexiest Women.
Pistorius is in custody and was due in court this afternoon but the hearing has now been delayed to 7am (GMT) tomorrow to allow forensics more time to work in his home.
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