It has been more than a month since police received the forensic report of actress Jiah Khan's suicide. While the police have been busy investigating the cause of her suicide, sources reveal that the report suggests that some percentage of alcohol was found in Jiah's blood test report.
MK Malve, Director of Kalina Forensic Laboratory, has submitted the report to police but has refused to divulge any details about the forensic report. However, sources say that some percentage of alcohol has been found in her blood report when she committed suicide.
Jiah Khan, who has worked with the likes of Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir Khan, committed suicide by hanging herself in her flat in Juhu in June. While some say that she was depressed about her failing career, her family and friends insist that her boyfriend Suraj Pancholi is responsible for her death.
She had left a six page note without naming anyone saying that she was harassed, tortured and raped.
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