Parineeti Chopra was in black at the IIFA 2013 green carpet. Parineeti who looked feminine during the IIFA 2013 press meet in a floral printed outfit decided to wear black at the IIFA night. Parineeti Chopra looked stunning in a black Nikhil Thampi gown. The fashion designer is becoming very popular in Bollywood. Sometime back, we even spotted the gorgeous Madhuri Dixit in a Nikhil Thampi creation. Nkhil’s creation mostly consists of the golden metal obi belt. Parineeti Chopra too wore an obe belt with her black floor length Nikhil Thampi gown. Parineeti Chopra wore a black off shoulder three-quarter sleeved thigh high slit Nikhil Thampi gown which had a golden metal obe belt at the waist. She accessorised with Suhani Pitte Earings, Eina Ahluwalia golden cuff and red Jimmy Choo Shoes. What we didn’t like with this look was the red lips and the hairdo. Sonam Kapoor, Ileana D’Cruz and Anushka Manchanda are few other celebrities who have been spotted in this metal golden obi belt gowns by the same designer.
At IIFA 2013 green carpet, we got to see another Nihkil Thampi’s creation. It was none other than Huma Qureshi. The actress donned a black floor length gown with a thin metal obi belt. Huma Qureshi wore this black Nikhil Thampi gown at IIFA 2013 with Valliyan by Nitya Arora cuffs on both the hands. She completed the look with smokey eyes, platform peep-toe pumps and half-pinned puff hairdo. We think that both the Nikhil Thampi gowns were awesome on the IIFA 2013 green carpet. However, Huma Qureshi completed the look in a much better way than Parineeti. Wish Parineeti Chopra didn’t opted for those huge hand cuffs and the matte red lips! Whom did you like in the Nikhil Thampi gown at the IIFA 2013 green carpet? Parineeti Chopra or Huma Qureshi.
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